Stress & Health Management

Material to be covered

A variety of topics and issues relating to stress and its management will be covered.

Some of these topics are listed below:

Health and lifestyle

What health is and what it isn't; health, illness and the role of lifestyle in determining both.

What is stress?

The various types of stress: stress and evloution; common causes of stress; costs to the individual, the workplace and the ecnomoy; stress, industrial injury and responsibilities of the employer.

Lifestyle and chronic disease

A critical examination of the proposed relationship betwen stress and illnesses such as coronary heart disease and cancer. How fo factors such as mood, mental state, dietary intake and physical activity affect disease prognosis?

Stress and work

Are some jobs more stressful than others? HSE guidelines; avoiding job stress and burnout.

Diet and health

Achieving a balanced diet; a guide to nutrition, diet and health; what's good, what's bad: supplements, vitamins, salt, caffeine; health eating and implications for reducing chronic disease risk.

Exercise and health

The benefits of physical activity; the reality of physical activity; the reality of physical activity: how much is needed to maintain health? Types of moderate physical exercise and how to get started.

Changing behaviour

The practicalities of lifestyle management - changing diet and exercise patterns; changing behaviour and cognitions.

Stress and health management programmes

Relaxation techniques and anger management; key studies; managing stress and lifestyle at home, in the workplace and in clinical settings; how to design and implement a stress management /intervention programme in the workplace.


Why a health & stress management seminar?
Aims of the seminar
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