Introductory Neuroscience

Why a neuroscience tutorial?

Let's face it, any thinking person worth their salt wants an inkling into how the brain works! This tutorial aims to stimulate, educate and get the old gray matter doing what it does best. What that is will be revealed!

Over the past twenty years there have been astounding advances in our understanding of the workings of the human brain and nervous system. The multidisciplinary research attempts to understand brain function are collectively referred to as neuroscience, currently one of the most exciting and rapidly developing academic disciplines.

Neuroscience is an important component of many degree courses, and is an area with which many students experience problems, possibly because of the complex anatomical pathways and terminology that pervades the literature.

This tutorial addresses the latest developments in our understanding of the brain, complementing and expanding upon material encountered at 'A' level.

Aims of the tutorial
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Material to be covered
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Copyright © MBI, Medical Biology Interactive, 2007.